Our Results

Home Selling Results • Madison and Dane County, WI

Our home selling results and statistics speak for themselves. In each case we compare our home-selling results against the MLS average. If you’re in the process of hiring a listing agent, be sure to ask each agent how their numbers stack up against the statistics below. The statistics below include all Dane County 2014 single family home sales recorded in the South Central Wisconsin MLS database to December 4th.

We sell our homes quickly at prices close to the original list price.

Important and Measurable Criteria

Are you planning to sell and interviewing real estate agents? Ask each agent how he or she performed for these criteria. You probably want to know how many homes they sold as well. Are they full-time? Do they have administrative support or do they try to do it all themselves?

1) Listing Success Rates compared

  • Our real estate team: 92.3%
  • MLS average: 72.8%

Greater than 1 of every 4 Dane County Homes Fails to sell and expires, leaving the homeowners disgusted, defeated and usually unable to move on.

Greater than 92% of our listings closed, allowing our clients to move on to their dream home.

2) Days on Market (Mean)

  • Our real estate team: 21 days
  • MLS average: 63 days

It took 3 times longer on average for a home to sell in the listing service.  In other words, we sold homes in one-third of the time as the market on average!

We saved our single family home clients approximately 42 days of marketing time compared to the average Dane County of over 2 months. This extra time costs you not only money in interest, electricity and other holding costs but it also can just plain be no fun.  What if you miss the perfect house because your home hasn’t sold?

3) Original List Price compared to Final Sold Price

  • Our real estate team: sold price of 97.9% of original list price
  • MLS average 95.3%

Our seller’s average final sold price was 2.1% less than the original list price. The average Dane County listing sold for nearly 5% under the original list.  Our sellers fared 2.6% better! Nearly an entire commission better!

4) Price Reductions

An overwhelming majority (88%) of our sellers did not have to reduce their list price. In fact, over 1/3 of our listings sold at or above the original list price.


• Putting It All In Perspective •

Assuming they would have listed a $275,000 home, on average our sellers would have kept an additional $7,150.00 (2.6%). They had nearly a 20% better chance of selling (92.3% vs. 72.8%) and Sold 3 times faster (21 days vs. 63 days) and better than 1/3 of the time, they would have sold at or above the original list price.


Want to chat? Call me at 608.212.5743 for a free consultation and market analysis today or complete the form below.

